Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Colorado Floods

First, we want to say that we are sorry for slacking on the blog visiting the past few days. All the rain has made my pain and fatigue worse.  But we are safe and dry here in Denver, and we are thankful for that.  We know so many are dealing with much worse.  As far as we are aware, all of our local friends are safe and dry, too.

That being said, many people and pets have been displaced by the floods here.  Roads and homes have been damaged.  

  • More than 2,200 people and 500 pets have been rescued so far.
  • More than 11,700 people have been evacuated.
  • 17,494 homes and other structures have been damaged by the floods; 1,502 have been completely destroyed.
  • Hundreds of people are still not accounted for.
There are currently 26 shelters open for displaced people and pets, but not all of the shelters are pet-friendly.  Local shelters and Humane Societies are providing shelter for displaced pets.  The Humane Society of Boulder Valley, the Longmont Humane Society, and the Larimer Humane Society are among those who are providing shelter.  

Please check with the local shelters if you lost your pet during the floods as some of them are taking in lost pets as well.  The Colorado Disaster Wildlife/Flood Lost & Found Pets is also sharing photos and updates on lost pets in Colorado.  You can follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

If you are looking for a way to help Colorado, the Colorado government has created a page on Ways You Can Help.  

Those who are affected by the floods are in our thoughts and prayers.



  1. Oh, those floods have been so scary to watch on the news. With large scale disasters, it's sometimes hard to get a gauge on the real on the ground situation. So thanks for sharing this information with us. Stay safe. We are purring and praying for you, and all who are being affected.
